Segment Panel

Segment Panel
Segment Panel

1. Search

Enter text, either source or target, that you want to search for in the current document.

2. Refresh

Use this to refresh the search results. (It has the same functionality as ENTER in the search field.)

3. Match Case

Decide whether the search should be case sensitive.

4. Extended Search

Use this to enable advanced searching using regular expressions (click on the help button for details).

5. Filter

  • Include
    Choose whether to search in Source, Target, or both Source and Target.

  • Match At Least
    Enter a percentage value for a search match percentage value or leave blank for only perfect matches.

  • Filter row
    Use to filter which segments to display: Editable / Pending Changes / Has Errors / Has Comments You can also enter a filter status as: Translated / Untranslated / Verified Confirmed

  • Clear filters
    This button appears only if any filter is selected.

6. Table

  • Table columns:
    # (Order Number) / Status / ID / Match / Source / Target / Glossary / Revisions / Comments / Error Report / Modified

  • Table options:
    Columns Visibility / Columns Settings