Glossary Panel

1. Glossary Search
Leads to Projects -> Glossary.
2. Add Shared Glossary Term
Adds a new entry to a Shared glossary for the current project
[A shared glossary is your own glossary, or one created by a team of translators, for your own exclusive use. Project glossaries are different and are those provided by your client that usually will have priority.]
3. Glossary Category
Glossary type (COMMON, SHARED, EMPTY)
4. Term Number (ID)
These numbers match the numbers in the source field, so you can quickly identify a glossary match.
5. Source
Source field
6. Targets
Target field, there can be multiple targets.
7. Comment
Any comments for the glossary entry are shown here.
8. Glossary Source
Name of the glossary source: TBX, glossary storage, etc.
9. Actions menu
Edit (only for EMPTY or SHARED Glossary), Insert to editor, Copy to clipboard