API connectors to MT Services

Machine translation can speed up the translation process. Instead of having to type everything you translate from scratch, you can use MT as a convenient ‘typing’ aid and edit the result.

Any text that has not been translated against an uploaded translation memory in this case will be machine-translated and proposed to you when you open the segment to translate. You are strongly encouraged to edit the machine-translated proposal to make sure the translation reads well, is correct and that both the grammar and way of expression are correct.

Doc3 contains several API connectors that allow you to connect the both the Free and the Pro version of the Doc3 CAT tool with the most popular online Machine Translation (MT) systems. When setting up a new project in Doc3 you can choose which MT service to use for pre-translation.

Doc3 supports API connectors to these most popular online MT Services:

  1. DeepL
    1. Free account
    2. PRO (paid) account
  2. Google
  3. Microsoft Bing